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Empathy. Fidelity. Adaptability.


Working with newcomers on the ground level to enable them on a path to self-reliance and integration into their new lives in America.

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REACT DC was founded in September 2021 by professional military spouses and veterans with backgrounds in law, intelligence operations, military service, education, and non-profit work. We came together to assist our Afghan allies in the midst of a humanitarian crisis.  Guided by core principles of empathy, fidelity, and adaptability, we are now at the forefront of innovative resettlement support operations, leading national and DC metro area programs to pilot new delivery methods, fill key gaps, and improve outcomes for refugee populations.


We provide nationwide resettlement support for Sponsorship and wraparound assistance for refugees, visa holders, and parolees in the DC metro area to help newcomers thrive. We value partnerships with non-profits, businesses, and a core group of community and volunteer members supporting our mission.



We're on the ground supporting refugee resettlement and helping refugees prepare to stand on their own.



REACTsurge phased out Fall 2022

Deepening partnerships with northern Virginia resettlement agencies by providing quality case aides for temporary staff augmentation.

REACTsponsors launched January 2022

Nationwide end-to-end support as a Sponsor Circle Umbrella and a Private Sponsorship Organization for Americans who want to enrich their communities and themselves through sponsorship of refugees and parolees.

REACTemployment - launched June 2022

Nationwide career pathway assistance marrying best in industry career portal technology with committed staff delivering individualized employment support.


REACTcore launched Fall 2022

Essential social services support for unsupported DC metro area newcomers including benefits enrollment, material goods distribution, and community resource and referral.


REACTwomen launched September 2022

Empowering women newcomers through a coalition of partners dedicated to supporting community-building, education, entrepreneurship, and employment.


REACTlegal -  launched January 2023

Full-time, pro bono legal clinic staffed by culturally and linguistically competent application specialists trained and overseen by in-house immigration attorneys serving eligible Afghan arrivals in need of pro bono representation for their immigration needs.

REACTresettlement -  approved April 2024

REACT DC has been approved by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) to establish a Reception and Placement office in Loudoun County, VA in June 2024, in partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC).


Are you interested in joining the Welcome Movement and becoming a Sponsor?


Our Sponsors:

  • Welcome newcomers into their community

  • Form lasting bonds and strengthen shared values

  • Impact a family for a lifetime by helping them stand on their feet


Your donation makes a difference.


Donate now to have an immediate impact in the lives of refugees. Donations support families in immediate need and ensure support for families still to come.

REACT DC, Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

Donate to a specific
program via donorbox


Are you interested in becoming a REACT DC volunteer? 

Our volunteers:

  • Assist with home setups, transportation, and other core resettlement needs 

  • Provide employment mentorship

  • Donate time, services, and expertise to provide meaningful programming and training 

  • Share community resources 

  • Make community outreach events possible

  • Donate professional services 






““The refugee crisis is a humanitarian challenge that must be collectively owned and collectively solved, whether we are talking about legal frameworks, institutional responses or funding. By crafting new humanitarian solutions to this crisis, critical contributions can be made to international peace and stability.”

— Kristin Sandvik

Copyright 2023 REACT DC, Inc.

REACT DC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN 87-2697692). Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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